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First four paragraphs of a book titled "Elements of Causal Inference - Foundations and Learning Algorithms":

"Causality is a fascinating topic of research. Its mathematization has only relatively recently started, and many conceptual problems are still being debated — often with considerable intensity.

While this book summarizes the results of spending a decade assaying causality, others have studied this problem much longer than we have, and there already exist books about causality, including the comprehensive treatments of Pearl [2009], Spirtes et al. [2000], and Imbens and Rubin [2015]. We hope that our book is able to complement existing work in two ways.

First, the present book represents a bias toward a subproblem of causality that may be considered both the most fundamental and the least realistic. This is the cause-effect problem, where the system under analysis contains only two observables. We have studied this problem in some detail during the last decade. We report much of this work, and try to embed it into a larger context of what we consider fundamental for gaining a selective but profound understanding of the issues of causality. Although it might be instructive to study the bivariate case first, following the sequential chapter order, it is also possible to directly start reading the multivariate chapters; see Figure I.

And second, our treatment is motivated and influenced by the fields of machine learning and computational statistics. We are interested in how methods thereof can help with the inference of causal structures, and even more so whether causal reasoning can inform the way we should be doing machine learning. Indeed, we feel that some of the most profound open issues of machine learning are best understood if we do not take a random experiment described by a probability distribution as our starting point, but instead we consider causal structures underlying the distribution."


Elements of Causal Inference - Foundations and Learning Algorithms