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 Peach Blossom Shangri-La 

 大家盡一點力來創造一個人間樂園 ∞ Let's all help to create a Shangri-La 


Description of a book titled "Young People, Social Media and Health":

"The pervasiveness of social media in young people’s lives is widely acknowledged, yet there is little evidence-based understanding of the impacts of social media on young people’s health and wellbeing.

Young People, Social Media and Health draws on novel research to understand, explain, and illustrate young people’s experiences of engagement with health-related social media; as well as the impacts they report on their health, wellbeing, and physical activity. Using empirical case studies, digital representations, and evidence from multi-sector and interdisciplinary stakeholders and academics, this volume identifies the opportunities and risk-related impacts of social

Offering new theoretical insights and practical guidelines for educators, practitioners, parents/guardians, and policy makers; Young People, Social Media and Health will also appeal to students and researchers interested in fields such as Sociology of Sport, Youth Sports Development, Secondary Physical Education, and Media Effects."


Young People, Social Media and Health


Description of a book titled "Humans R Social Media":

"Social media and humans exist in a world of mutual influence, and humans play central roles in how this influence is mediated and transferred. Originally created by University of Arizona Information scholar Diana Daly, this Third Edition of the book Humans are Social Media uses plain language, audio and video, embedded questions and active learning activities, and contributions by students to help readers actively understand how we as humans shape social media, and how social media shapes our world in turn. The authors and contributors examine digitally mediated identity, microcelebrity, and relationships through sociological and feminist perspectives, and visualize networked publics and online spaces using historic forms of communication. Dynamic coverage by Daly and contributors also examines the #metoo movement, Black Lives Matter, and conversations around race and radicalism. Most notably, the world of information is examined through simple explanations of algorithms, types of misinformation, and spreadable media including memes.  Designed for beginning college students, Humans are Social Media offers a unique, multimedia overview of social media in relationships with users and human cultures."


Humans R Social Media


First paragraph of the Introduction of a paper titled "Social Media Digital Stress Influencing Adolescent Relationships":

"Are you familiar with what a teen looks like without a phone in hand? These days, a sighting of a young person without a phone seems to be an aberration. Even adults can be seen juggling the device and multitasking to the max, so it is no wonder youth have followed suit. In suburban Massachusetts, the middle school age of adolescence exists in the era of negotiation – some schools shifting from no devices during the school day to devices allowed in the hallways after the final class or for in class use at the teacher’s discretion. At the high school level, the students are often given much looser parameters under the guise of freedom that comes with responsibility. No matter how the story unfolds in any given location one thing is certain: technology and social media are on the radar during most aspects of daily life."


Social Media Digital Stress Influencing Adolescent Relationships (Doble)


The first paragraph of a book titled "Social Media and Hate":

"Using expert interviews and focus groups, this book investigates the theoretical and practical intersection of misinformation and social media hate in contemporary societies."


Social Media and Hate