桃   花   源   

 Peach Blossom Shangri-La 

 大家盡一點力來創造一個人間樂園 ∞ Let's all help to create a Shangri-La 


First paragraph of the Foreword of an atlas titled "Bangladesh Climate and Disaster Risk Atlas - Hazards - Volume 1":

"Climate change is a reality, and Bangladesh is one of the countries considered most vulnerable to it. Most development projects in Bangladesh have inherent sensitivity to changing climate and its impacts, and this sensitivity may lead to significant losses affecting the country’s overall economy. It is crucial to have a better understanding of the impacts of climate change, natural hazards, and disasters on different development projects—especially for the Bangladesh Planning Commission, as the country’s central planning organization responsible for approving and allocating budget resources to all development projects in the country. Such understanding of a complex issue is one of the recent imperatives in policy formulation, decision-making, and development planning that, in turn, are further enabled and strengthened by holistic, integrated geospatial perspectives."


Volume 1, to page 29             (file size: about 12 MB)

Volume 1, pages 30-72          (file size: about 11 MB)

Volume 1, pages 73-122        (file size: about 11 MB)

Volume 1, pages 123-192      (file size: about 19 MB)

Volume 1, pages 193-251      (file size: about 14 MB)


Bangladesh Climate and Diaster Risk Atlas - Exposures, Vulnerabilities, and Risks - Volume 2:


Volume 2, pages i-xxiv

Volume 2, pages 1-27         (file size: about 11 MB)

Volume 2, pages 28-76       (file size: about 14 MB)